English ELT
The Legend of Robin Hood
200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers
- Anonymous. Retold by Jane Cadwallader. Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali.
English ELT
The Magic Book 1-2-3-4-5-6
Beginner to Pre-Intermediate - Common European Framework: A1-A2
- Mariagrazia Bertarini, Martha Huber, Paolo Iotti
English ELT
The Prince and the Pauper
Stage 4 400 headwords | A2 | Flyers | Classic-Theatre
- Mark Twain - Retold by Lisa Suett
English ELT
The Secret Passage
Stage 4 - Young ELI Readers - below A2
- Paloma Bellini – Illustrated by Luigi Raffaelli
English ELT
The Story Garden British English 1-2-3-4-5-6
Beginner to Elementary - Common European Framework: A1-A2
- M. Bertarini, Martha Huber, Jane Cadwallader and Michelle Worgan
English ELT
The Story Musical
Elementary - Common European Framework: A1-A2
- Riccardo Poto, Francesca Mazzi
English ELT
The Wind and the Sun
Stage 4 400 headwords | A2 | Flyers | Fairy Tales
- Aesop
English ELT
The grammar tree
English ELT
Visit Saint Petersburg with Me!
Illustrated by Arianna Operamolla.
English ELT
Watch Out! - Safety Education in English
Beginner to Elementary - Common European Framework: A1-A2
- Damiana Covre, Melanie Segal
English ELT
White Fang
Stage 4 400 headwords | A2 | Flyers | Classic
- Jack London - Retold by Jane Cadwallader. Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali
English ELT
Who’s who?
Physical descriptions
- Home
- English ELT
Show 46-57 of 57