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With ELi Digital Hub textbooks come alive with video, images, audio materials, exercises and much more.

Share materials in ELi Virtual Classroom or test your students in ELi Test Room.

ELi Digi Book

With ELiDigiBook the texts come alive with videos, images, audio materials, exercises and much more. And you can also enrich the book with your own materials! There’s no limit to how you can personalise your textbook!
Teach and study where you want: at school, at home, or on the move. Your contents are available on any device, even without internet connection. Please check the expiration date of your digital book upon activation.

International users

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Studenti e docenti che studiano o insegnano in Italia

activate a book - italian users

ELi Virtual Classroom

ELi Virtual Classroom is an educational environment where you can share materials and assign activities to the whole class. It is ideal for organising specific study groups.
Traditional classes, flipped classrooms, group work, sharing resources: ELiVirtualClassroom adapts to every educational need.

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ELi Test Room

ELi Test Room is the LMS environment of elionline.com. Lots of interactive tests ready to be assigned to your students.

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ELi Online Shop

Buy your DigiBook on shop.elionline.com. Simple, fast, safe.

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ELI LINK is the free application that allows your students to access directly from the paper book all the audio and videos of the course with your smartphone and tablet.
Frame the textbook page and switch from paper to digital without losing time ... and concentration!

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