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ELi Graded Readers

Enjoy reading engaging stories!

ELI Readers present themselves as narrative texts of great literary prominence with a strong identity, whether they are classics, adapted or whole, or originals. The different sections which complement the text (notes about the author, analyses, activities…) aim to enrich reading and facilitate understanding and language learning, without diminishing the pleasure of reading.

Available in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian and Chinese. Now also available in digital version.

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ELi Language Games

Learning Languages by playing

Designed as a useful tool for learners throughout the various stages of their language studies, ELi Language Games have been developed according to age, language level (A1 to B1) and the learning style of the student.

ELi Language Games are ideal for revision and practice, and to develop one’s competence in Vocabulary, Grammar, Culture and Interdisciplinary topics.

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ELi Language Magazines

Engage your students' interest with this ideal teaching material.

ELI magazines offer an array of information and numerous news items about current events, which students do not find in their usual course books. Get your students actively involved in their language learning! Now also available in digital version.

go to Language Magazines website

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