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ELi Language Games

Beginner to Intermediate - Common European Framework: A1-C1

Learning languages by playing

ELi has been producing didactic games for more than 40 years and offers a rich list of titles to choose from. Designed as a useful tool for learners throughout the various stages of their language studies, ELi Language Games have been developed according to age, language level (A1-C1) and the learning style of the student.
ELi Language Games are ideal for revision and practice, and to develop one’s competence in Vocabulary, Grammar, Culture and Interdisciplinary topics. They can accompany any course book and are also great for self-learning.

Available in English, Français, Español, Deutsch, Italiano and Chinese.

ELi Language Games

ELi Games are developed according to age range, language level (A1 to C1) and learning styles of students. ELi Games are ideal for revision and practice, and to develop one’s competence in Vocabulary, Grammar, Culture and Interdisciplinary topics.

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Jeux Linguistiques ELi

Les jeux ELi sont organisés par niveaux linguistiques (de A1 à C1 du CECR), par âge des élèves et par type d’apprentissage. Utilisables en auto-apprentissage ou en complément de tout manuel traditionnel, les jeux sont parfaits pour la révision, l’entraînement et le développement des compétences liées au Lexique, à la Grammaire, à la Culture et à la Civilisation, aux Thèmes interdisciplinaires.

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Lernspiele ELi

ELi Lernspiele wurden für Lerner verschiedenen Alters und unterschiedlicher Sprachniveaus (A1 – C1) entwickelt, die den verschiedenen Lernstilen entgegenkommen. Die Spiele sind ideal zum Wiederholen, Üben und Entdecken von neuen Inhalten in den Bereichen Wortschatz, Grammatik, Landeskunde und CLIL.

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Juegos Didácticos ELi

Los juegos ELi están concebidos para satisfacer las exigencias de las diferentes fases del aprendizaje y están graduados dependiendo de la edad, el nivel lingüísitco (de A1 a C1 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia) y el estilo de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Los juegos son útiles para el autoaprendizaje o para consolidar lo aprendido junto a cualquier libro de texto y son también ideales para repasar, practicar o aprender nuevas nociones en los campos del vocabulario, la gramática, cultura y sociedad, o temas interdisciplinarios.

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Giochi didattici ELi

I giochi ELi sono basati su una rigorosa gradualità linguistica (da A1 a C1) e garantiscono una grande efficacia didattica, rispettosa delle diverse età e del diverso stile di apprendimento degli studenti. Sono un prezioso supporto nella pratica e nel ripasso di lessico, grammatica e argomenti interdisciplinari.

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Chinese ELi Language Games

ELi Games are developed according to age range, language level and learning styles of students. ELi Games are ideal for revision and practice, and to develop one’s competence in Vocabulary, Grammar, Culture and Interdisciplinary topics.

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Video tutorials ELi Language Games

Discover all the video tutorials available for ELi Language Games. They will help you use them in the classroom with your students or at home for self-study.

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Make learning fun


Our boxes: Small, handy and easy to carry

Without age limits

To play in the classroom, at home or during online classes

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