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Preparation for the A1 Movers Cambridge English Qualifications


Michelle Worgan

Move! is part of a fun series of volumes to prepare students for the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners exams. The series covers all areas of the YLE

syllabus and allows students to take the test confidently. It is flexible to complement a general English course book and is ideal for both exam and non-exam students.

• All the vocabulary, skills and grammar for the test

• Authentic test style practice

• Specific materials to develop students’ confidence in speaking

• Realistic videos to understand what happens during the speaking test

• Short videos to highlight the main grammar topics

• A digital picture dictionary with audio tracks

• A digital Graded Reader

The Digital Book, ideal for online and integrated learning, contains the full version of the Student’s Book with MP3 audio tracks and videos, plus interactive exam activities.

Use the ELI LINK app to listen and look at the multimedia content of your Digital Book on your smartphone or tablet.

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ISBN: 9788853632920

Digital Edition Move!

ISBN: 9788853632968

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