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Montessori English Grammar – Beginner ELI

A collection of Montessori-inspired materials


Fiammetta Pacenti

Montessori English Grammar – Beginner is a collection of Montessori-inspired materials designed to help primary school
children learn English grammar in an active, constructive and inclusive way, while at the same time fostering the development of independent learning and increasing self-esteem.

The materials were developed after carefully observing children as they work and are divided into three sections:
• Materials to cut out and present.
• Envelopes for classifying materials and easy storage.

• Control of error cards and downloadable audio for self-correction.

The downloadable audio, for use with the control of error cards, is a fundamental resource, which ensures children understand the correct pronunciation,
as well as the correct form.

Montessori English Grammar - beginner covers the following grammar topics:
• Demonstrative Adjectives
• Prepositions of Time
• Prepositions of Place
• Irregular Plural Nouns
• Present Continuous
• Frequency Adverbs
• Simple Present / Present Continuous

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Purchasing Info

Montessori English Grammar – Beginner

ISBN: 9788853641595

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