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My Montessori English Materials

Mariagrazia Bertarini, Fiammetta Pacenti

Age Group: 7-11

My Montessori English Materials by ELI Publishing are Montessori-inspired materials aimed not only at teachers, but at all those who believe in active and inclusive teaching. Lovingly designed and developed with the utmost care after careful observation of children at work, these materials promote active learning which in turn promotes independent learning and increases self-esteem.

Montessori English Grammar - Starter

Montessori English Grammar - Starter is a collection of 35 Montessori inspired materials developed after carefully observing the way children work. The activities are designed to help primary school children learn English grammar in an active and constructive way. As they work with the materials, children gradually become more independent, increasing their self-esteem throughout the learning process. Grammar topics: Articles, Plurals, Qualifying Adjectives, Personal Pronouns, Be, Have, Possessive Adjectives, Can, Simple Present.

Montessori English Songs

Montessori English Songs is a collection of 6 listening and 6 reading activities, designed to help primary school children improve their listening and reading comprehension skills in English. The materials encourage independent learning and provide the opportunity for children to learn and build knowledge at their own pace and in their own time.

Montessori English Dialogues

Montessori English Dialogues - Starter/Beginner is a collection of 20 reading activities, designed to help primary school children improve their reading comprehension skills in English but also incentivise and encourage interactive oral production. The materials encourage independent learning and provide the opportunity for children to learn and build knowledge at their own pace and in their own time.

Montessori English Grammar: A4 size punched pages, to be included in the ring binder + Audio tracks to Download 9788853635228
Montessori English Dialogues: A4 size punched pages + Audio tracks to Download 9788853638106
Montessori English Songs: A4 size punched pages + Audio tracks to Download 9788853638090

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